This 5-Day Course is a carefully constructed matrix of principles, strategies, & training drills designed to address a wide variety of threats currently facing law enforcement officers when handling subjects.

It is a flexible set of applicable strategies and techniques to be used in conjunction with a proper mind-set. We understand implicitly that law enforcement officers must resolve their situations in view of the appropriate Rules of Engagement/Use of Force Policies as dictated by the reasonable application force, if and when force is required.

In today’s higher threat situations, your job may not always be entirely defensive in nature. Regardless you must use the appropriate level of force required to resolve the situation, no more, no less.

The basis of our approach has been formed through a constant interaction with Law Enforcement and Military individuals and teams over the past twenty years.

During this extended period of time, we have sought to solve a wide variety of problems facing law enforcement. This course is the embodiment of the solutions.

No curriculum can fully account for all known equipment, encompass the vast number of potential techniques, or address all the methodologies used to meet the mission requirements faced by law enforcement agencies across the country.  Therefore, this course of instruction has an open architecture. It is designed from the outset to be modified, adapted, and improved upon.

This program is crafted to allow you to fit in and use what you already know and are required to use. We are not going to suggest that you abandon working/proven solutions. This program gives you strong skeleton, a foundation from which to build a solid structure upon.

We are not going to focus in on X number of techniques, trying to stuff a confusing matrix of sequences into your operating system. It is our opinion, that viewing any confrontation as a simple matter of: “I see this, therefore I should select technique number 1,2, or 3 and fit in here” will more than likely fail under duress.

Time and time again we have asked operators to show us in a practical manner what they learned in previous defensive tactics courses. As they try to match a technique to a situation they are presented, they are often stumped when one part of the sequence they attempt to deploy is forgotten or misapplied.
As techniques become increasing complicated and exotic, the likelihood of an officer using any of them successfully is proportionally diminished. We look to simplify and remove unnecessary movements and procedures.

Therefore, we are going to present a way of looking at confrontations that will allow you to use the appropriate level of force whenever force is required, whatever that level of force is.

We are going to present from the outset themes and variations on themes that you can adapt to your personal situation as required.

We are not going to presumptuously tell you how to do your job in your area of expertise. It will be up to you to tailor your presentations and agency’s instruction to fit the specific rules of engagement and use of force policies mandated by federal and state law, as well as your departmental polices and procedures.

Come experience a well-thought out, focused and properly administered program of instruction to potential improve your own departments model.  You leave with a solid understanding of how to evaluate and improve your current programs.

Overviews - From Courses conducted in 2015

I had been an officer on the street for nine years and was originally trained in more “traditional” police methods such as Pressure Point Control Technique. I also had a background in Filipino and Indonesian Martial Arts. There were some conflicts between the compartmentalized method of training officers and traditional martial arts. I found that Physical Combat Resolution was easily taught to people of all skill levels and the knowledge could be immediately applied. All of the principles taught were constructive guidelines to assist in self-learning or exploration. I have found that the most effective learning is from guided exploration because the student (of any skill level) starts to develop their own techniques versus trying to follow the directions of someone else’s techniques (creating your own solution is easier than remembering someone else’s solution, even if they are inevitably/essentially the same). Even though I had 10 years of quality martial arts training, police training, and experience in using force, I had natural doubts in handling larger and stronger people due my smaller stature. One week of PCR completely removed that doubt and filled in all of the areas I needed work in. Everything I learned complemented my prior knowledge or showed me a better way of doing things. This material is the most effect and most relevant training that can be provided for law enforcement. This material can also be applied to multiple areas of law enforcement training (firearms, driving, etc.). Quite simply, the principles are holistic and permeate beyond the time card.